Sunday, March 14, 2010

2 Weeks and 1 Day

Wahoo!! We are down to the two week count down for our trip to Taiwan. The girls room is painted and we have friends and family assisting with the sewing and creative elements of bringing it all together. The girls have made it clear that pink is the color of choice with just about everything so we're glad that there will be some sprigs of pink in their bedroom. We are excited to eat dumplings, go to a Taiwan bakery, do some sight seeing and take in the culture. More than anything, we are excited to make our family complete. Meeting the girls face to face and having them "officially" become a part of the Jacklin Crew is what we are all looking the most forward to. Looking forward to keeping you all posted.


  1. That's very exciting! I'm glad you put up this blog so we can all stay updated. I can't wait to see the girls!!! How old are they by the way?

  2. Yay for this blog!!! We hope all is going well on your trip and are looking forward to your safe arrival home!!

  3. What a relief to read that all is going well. You all look happy in the pictures.
